seaborn-image: image data visualization
|img1| |img2| |img3| |img4|
.. |img1| image:: /auto_examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_image_hist_thumb.png
:width: 190px
:height: 180px
.. |img2| image:: /auto_examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_filter_thumb.png
:width: 140px
:height: 140px
.. |img3| image:: /auto_examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_fft_thumb.png
:width: 120px
:height: 120px
.. |img4| image:: /auto_examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_paramgrid_thumb.png
:width: 140px
:height: 140px
.. .. |img5| image:: /auto_examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_plot_image_robust_thumb.png
.. :width: 200px
.. :height: 200px
Seaborn-image is a Python **image** visualization library based on matplotlib
and provides a high-level API to **draw attractive and informative images quickly**
**and effectively**.
It is heavily inspired by `seaborn `_, a high-level visualization library
for drawing attractive statistical graphics in Python.
To view example images, check out the :doc:`gallery page ` and :doc:`reference `.
For specific how-to questions, refer to the :doc:`tutorial page `.
Check out the source code on `github `_.
If you come across any bugs/issues, please open an `issue `_.
Using `pip`
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U seaborn-image
Using `conda`
.. code-block:: bash
conda install -c conda-forge seaborn-image
Getting Started
First, let's import the library and make some changes to the visualization settings.
.. code-block:: python
import seaborn_image as isns
# this will create thicker lines and larger fonts than usual
# change image related settings
isns.set_image(cmap="deep", despine=True) # set the colormap and despine the axes
isns.set_scalebar(color="red") # change scalebar color
.. note::
This is only a quick look at the settings, see :doc:`reference ` for more details.
You can also simply use the default settings that come with `seaborn_image`.
Visualization 2-D images
A quick way of attractive and descriptive visualization of 2D image data using `imgplot`.
.. code-block:: python
# example 2D image data
pol = isns.load_image("polymer")
# image with a scalebar
ax = isns.imgplot(pol, dx=0.01, units="um")
In the above example, the image is plotted with a scalebar of length 0.01 um or 10 nm.
The `dx` parameter specifies the physical size of the pixel and the `units` parameter specifies the units of the scalebar.
You can also pass `describe=True` to `imgplot` to get a summary of the image data along with the visualization.
.. code-block:: python
# get basic image stats along with the visualization
isns.imgplot(pol, describe=True)
Visualize image distribution
Sometimes you may want to visualize the distribution of an image. For that, you can use `imghist`.
.. code-block:: python
f = isns.imghist(pol, dx=0.01, units="um")
.. note::
There are no changes in the parameters specified in `imghist` compared to `imgplot`.
For more details on specific parameters, please see :doc:`reference `.
Multi-dimensional images
Image data is not always 2D and for those image data there is `ImageGrid`.
.. code-block:: python
# example 3D image data
cells = isns.load_image("cells")
g = isns.ImageGrid(cells)
You can also specify the specific `slices` of the 3D data that you want to visualize.
You can also specify the `axis` along which you want to `slice` your 3D image data for visualization.
.. code-block:: python
g = isns.ImageGrid(cells, slices=[10, 20, 30, 40], axis=1)
You can also plot a collection of 3D image data.
.. code-block:: python
from skimage.data import astronaut, chelsea
g = isns.ImageGrid([astronaut(), chelsea()], origin="upper")
This was a very short intro to `seaborn_image`. There are many other functions and options available in `seaborn_image`.
For more information check out examples in :doc:`tutorial `, :doc:`api ` and :doc:`gallery `.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
API Reference
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`