
seaborn_image.rgbplot(data, *, col_wrap=3, height=3, aspect='auto', cmap=None, alpha=None, origin=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, interpolation=None, dx=None, units=None, dimension=None, cbar=True, orientation='v', cbar_label=None, cbar_ticks=None, showticks=False, despine=None, extent=None)#

Split and plot the red, green and blue channels of an RGB image.

  • data – RGB image data as 3-D array.

  • col_wrap (int, optional) – Number of columns to display. Defaults to 3.

  • height (int or float, optional) – Size of the individual images. Defaults to 3.

  • aspect (int, float or 'auto', optional) – Aspect ratio of individual images, when set to ‘auto’, it calculates the aspect ratio of the images passed. Defaults to ‘auto’.

  • cmap (str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap or list, optional) – Image colormap or a list of colormaps. Defaults to None.

  • alpha (float or array-like, optional) – matplotlib.pyplot.imshow alpha blending value from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque), by default None

  • origin (str, optional) – Image origin, by default None

  • vmin (float or list of floats, optional) – Minimum data value that colormap covers, by default None

  • vmax (float or list of floats, optional) – Maximum data value that colormap covers, by default None

  • interpolation (str, optional) – matplotlib.pyplot.imshow interpolation method used, by default None

  • dx (float or list, optional) – Size per pixel of the image data. If scalebar is required, dx and units must be sepcified. Can be a list of floats. Defaults to None.

  • units (str or list, optional) – Units of dx. Can be a list of str. Defaults to None.

  • dimension (str or list, optional) –

    Dimension of dx and units. Options include :

    • ”si” : scale bar showing km, m, cm, etc.

    • ”imperial” : scale bar showing in, ft, yd, mi, etc.

    • ”si-reciprocal” : scale bar showing 1/m, 1/cm, etc.

    • ”angle” : scale bar showing °, ʹ (minute of arc) or ʹʹ (second of arc).

    • ”pixel” : scale bar showing px, kpx, Mpx, etc.

    Can be a list of str. Defaults to None.

  • cbar (bool or list, optional) – Specify if a colorbar is required or not. Can be a list of bools. Defaults to True.

  • orientation (str, optional) –

    Specify the orientaion of colorbar. Option include :

    • ’h’ or ‘horizontal’ for a horizontal colorbar to the bottom of the image.

    • ’v’ or ‘vertical’ for a vertical colorbar to the right of the image.

    Defaults to ‘v’.

  • cbar_label (str or list, optional) – Colorbar label. Can be a list of str. Defaults to None.

  • cbar_ticks (list, optional) – List of colorbar ticks. Defaults to None.

  • showticks (bool, optional) – Show image x-y axis ticks. Defaults to False.

  • despine (bool, optional) – Remove axes spines from image axes as well as colorbar axes. Defaults to None.

  • extent (floats (left, right, bottom, top), optional) – The bounding box in data coordinates that the image will fill. The image is stretched individually along x and y to fill the box.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If data dimension is not 3

  • ValueError – If data channels are not 3


Split and plot the channels of a RGB image

>>> import seaborn_image as isns; isns.set_image(origin="upper")
>>> from import astronaut
>>> g = isns.rgbplot(astronaut())

Hide colorbar

>>> g = isns.rgbplot(astronaut(), cbar=False)

Change colormap

>>> g = isns.rgbplot(astronaut(), cmap="deep")
>>> g = isns.rgbplot(astronaut(), cmap=["inferno", "viridis", "ice"])

Horizontal colorbar

>>> g = isns.rgbplot(astronaut(), orientation="h")